Thursday, December 19, 2013

  • Ideas for Posts:
  • I wanted to say, that having you in my life has been a blessing. Having someone like you to look up to has been huge for me. It proves to me that things that break you down can also build you up.. I remember your story.. and you being here.. you being who you are.. and wonderful... has given me hope. I know i must sound very well cheesy. but its true. I appreciate you, and you sharing your story. I am so grateful really.. i had you as my group leader... because i can truly connect to some of the things you went through. I am doing well.. i have been facing some things.. lately... but it will all work out. I miss you.. Lets talk more, Please! xoxo.

I just wanted to tell you that things have finally worked out, and a lot of that was because you gave, me courage, so thanks, know that i always will look up to you.. you're a great person..
It all started last summer when you told us your story... it showed me that I had the option of opening up as well. My dad's out of the house... and we went through a lot of legal issues... but..things are going alright. I didn't think him being gone would make me any happier.. after a certain age I was safe.. i had planned never to tell anyone, simply because it would complicate my family life even more..but after you shared your story.. it was a step in the right direction toward my own healing.
HI there, I just wanted to thank you, for all of the support you have given me. You are such a role model and an inspiration to me. I just wanted to let you know what I have been up to lately. I run a girls sexual abuse group. I have met some really incredible people, and it is so rewarding. I want to go into communication sciences in college, and minor in psychology.. I plan to do vocal rehabilitation and also continue to do what I am doing with the girls sexual abuse groups. I wanted to let you know, that the letter you wrote me, still hangs in my room. You helped me transform from victim to survivor, and without you., I never would have been as brave. Thank you. For Everything. Much Love, always.
You are so inspirational. really, you and your story mean so much to me. and thank you for keeping in touch with me, i really appreciate it. i was just a bit emotional the other night, and i'm fine, really. but i would still love to talk to you, so i'll definitely let you know!
...i don't mean for this to be super long, it's just that i feel like i should explain my weird behavior (like, knocking on your door at 1am and freaking out your dormmates lol). so i'm pretty sure you've guessed by now, but i was sexually assaulted when i was younger and am just attempting to come to terms with it, and it's been kind of rough. but like i said before, i am indeed fine. i just thought i should give you some clarity. and i again, i will keep in touch! "

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